Thursday, February 20, 2014

Involuntary Co-Sleep Ninja

From day 1 at home from the hospital, LittleMan has slept on me, next to me, in our bed. Of course, I've read and heard about all of the dangers of co sleeping. Even Ansel's pediatrician strongly advised against it. However, he sleeps when he's next to me. I know that it's just an excuse; he would be "safer" sleeping in his own bed, waking up every 10-30 minutes, cold because babies shouldn't sleep with blankets or pillows, and alone, completely alone. 

He starts out in his bassinet, which is now getting to be a little cramped since he's getting older and bigger. The only reason why we haven't transitioned him into his own room is because it's on the opposite end of the house and on the first floor where our room is the second floor. I don't feel comfortable having him that far away just yet. We will be finding better housing once our lease ends here. But, between 7 and 8pm, he nurses to sleep or nurses and we rock him to sleep, and put him in the bassinet upstairs. Somewhere between 9 and 11pm he begins to wake. Now we've tried rocking him back to sleep, changing his diaper, everything but nurse, to get him comfortable and back to sleep in the bassinet. However, as soon as we lay him down, he's wide awake, ready for action, talking up a storm. For about 30 minutes we play the fall back asleep then wide awake game. 

That's when he gets in our bed. Throughout the night we wrestle and dance in periodic spurts as to keep him asleep, head away from pillows and blankets, not laying inbetween Cody and I as to make sure Cody doesn't crush him (Cody sleeps like a toddler, all over the place), and usually feet in my gut. He likes to kick me in the stomach when he starts waking up. 

While I was pregnant, we came across the following diagram. I never thought it could be so true.

"The Dog House" is a reoccurring position. I feel so bad for Cody, sometimes.

As for now, we will continue to co sleep. I'm not going to lie, I do enjoy it, probably as much as I love breastfeeding; but I know we will try to change things in the near future. 

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